who follows drivers and parents alongside them together with the staff.
who takes care of team management, making the organization streamlined and efficient.
who supports drivers and communicates with engineers ensuring a growing improvement of the driver.
who assist the drivers in all the technical aspects of their vehicles
who takes care of the image of the drivers, making them more attractive for potential sponsors.
who deals with sports traumatology, posturology and physical preparation of athletes.
area used for team and hospitality activities during sports competitions.
equipped van for small and large on-site interventions on the vehicle.
Please be informed that D.i.v.s. Racing 47 a.s.d has appointed Ms. Barbara Ubaldini as the Head against abuse, violence, and discrimination within the Association, pursuant to Article 3, paragraph 1 of the "Regulations for the prevention and fight against abuse, violence, and discrimination against members (known as the Safeguarding Regulations)," as well as pursuant to Article 33, paragraph 6 of Legislative Decree 36/2021. Ms. Barbara Ubaldini can be contacted at info@alexzucco.com.
For further details, please refer to the informational PDF.